Etudiant mélomane, ouvre les yeux et les oreilles et constate comment on exprime le futur, notamment après WHEN dans la belle chanson qui suit .
Pour une piqûre de rappel sur le futur


Pour pousser la chansonnette, c'est , juste avec la musique (séquence MIDI riquiqui) ou ici avec le monsieur qui chante (fichier mp3 replet)

MacCartnon’s hymn to peace

Come on bugs, the night is ours,
We will hang all guns with flowers
Until all battles in the clearing cease.
Flap your wings above the fire,
Make it brighter, fan it higher
Until all beatles learn to live in peace.

Zzz Zzz, until all battles in the clearing cease,
Zzz Zzz, until all beatles learn to live in peace.


Oh you roaches of good will,
Let your song ring through the hill
When bugs are brothers, all will live in peace !
May our voices bring a light
To the forest through the night
When hate is over, all will live in peace !

Zzz Zzz, when bugs are brothers, all will live in peace !
Zzz Zzz, when hate is over, all will live in peace !


Come on bees and butterflies
We will buzz under the skies
When war and battles in the clearing cease.
When the moon shines above us
All will join in our chorus
When all beatles know how to live in peace.

Zzz Zzz, when war and battles in the clearing cease.
Zzz Zzz, when all beatles know how to live in peace.